Monday, June 17, 2013

Amy's Testimony

I love you Heike, your girls, all the YW, and our wonderful leaders. Yesterday was a hard day, my heart hurts because I'm not ready to be done in YW. But I know the Lord has my needs, my family, and the yw in mind. I am so grateful for having this opportunity to serve. I have been stretched and have learned so much. Because of this opportunity I have been shown how I can improve, my testimony has increased in leaps and bounds, and I feel closer to my Savoir. The atonement is real, prayers are answered. This I know to be true. I could not give words justice and try to explain my gratitude and love for all of you who have helped my in all ways, personally and through our callings. I know without any doubt Natalie is just the person to be President. I prayed that whomever the person was to be in next that I could feel peace and know the girls and leaders would be loved and well looked after. I am sad for myself , but feel peace knowing you are all in good hands. ( in fact I know Natalie will far surpass any of my meager abilities) I love our gospel, not sure I could live without it... Thanks for being one of my greatest cheerleaders. I love our Perry 6th ward :))))

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